Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Politics and Racism

America is considered to be a free and truly democratic country where everybody has got equal rights. But the question is that does everyone enjoy this freedom? No doubt that we have left the era where USA was plagued by racial discrimination but are we really free? We cannot be oblivious to the fact that if we are saying so we are actually lying to ourselves. We might have left behind the era of Jim Crow laws but it seems like we are entering into a new Jim Crow era. Every day we hear about racist vigilantism. Who can forget the case of Trayvon Martin?  Though George Zimmerman tried hard to prove himself right but even conservative politicians conceded that he was wrong to single out Trayvon just because of the colour of his skin.
But this is not a single case. It happens every day. In state after state and city after city the same thing happens and the problem is that it is perfectly legal because the perpetrators are representatives of the American criminal injustice system.
Let us take an example of New York City. There is a stop and frisk policy in New York City, where hundreds of police officers target young men of colour and the problem is that they get orders from above for doing this.
This is so rampant that one might think that racism must be against the law. But unfortunately racism is the law

Actually racism has become the most important way to segregate the working class. One section of the working class is suppressed and the working class on the whole is kept divided which works perfectly fine for politicians because then they can govern with more autocracy.
Let us take example of Florida.  It has a "Stand Your Ground" self-defence law that allows a person to use a deadly weapon if they "reasonably believe" they are being threatened with death or serious injury. But who decides that? Can we take the word of a person and let go off a serious felony?

After this law went into effect,  homicides jumped, from eight in 2004 to 40 in 2010. But is this law applicable to all .What if an African American teen claimed he was attacked by a neighbourhood watch volunteer, and shot him in self-defence?  Would anyone believe that? Would the police not arrest him because of the "Stand Your Ground" law?

It is the most important question that needs to be answered and with that answer we can hope to find a solution to the problems of racial discrimination that is still going on actively in our country.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Struggling Society

Some of know all to well the struggle from those words you should have a good idea of what im talking about, even now some a alot of us are going through it as we speak. In todays society it has become a dog eat dog world the big(wealthy) always stepping on the little guy(working poor) because thats what it basically is now working just to pay bill getting by on the last few dollars trying to survive another long week. today you need at least 2 or 3 jobs just live decent but with that there is no sleep in your future, you'd be too busy working and i can bet the body wont run to well without it either. We can thank the people that help make it this way The fat cat corporations the greed low wages also 9/11 kinda speeded up the process but we were going to get there eventually you have job moving overseas for the very cheap labor and with barely any labor laws these company's can do what ever they want even most of the fat cat company's that are here now use foreign cheap labor Walmart for example and then don't want to even pay there workers livable wages but the owners are of course billionaires, on Makingchageatwalmart.com the average sales associate makes of $8.81 per hour! that is not a livable wage not even close to it. most of us today are the new slave working for crumbs while they live well the good life i guess somebody thought this was  "cute" to have people struggle there either moving the job completely out of the country and/or they just refuse to pay a wage you can feed are families.  I ask myself where are all the political figures at making noise about these jobs issues wage issues do they know there country is going down the crappier slowly? they may night care last i knew they shot down the extended unemployment bill cutting food stamps and also work of there 50ish plus time trying to stop the affordable healthcare act(Obamacare) thats more important then running this country getting it back into shape and putting people back and into stable jobs lord knows those are the first people to call us "po" working folks Freeloaders? we just want to take, take take, take.. are favorite people in senate keep their salaries for life! Dont forget about corporate welfare the big subsidizes, remember that big bank bailout yea that helped(not) they were giving the ceo's raises with the bailout cash while sending people to the unemployment lines my opinion they should have let wall street fall and let small business take over.some of are cities are like wastelands Camden, New Jersey for instance looks like war went through the city its totally destitute if not bankrupted and we have Detroit "Motor City" bankrupted! no jobs poverty people are going to do whatever they have to for survival even taking another persons life. how can a country be "so great" lets its city go broke? but they will give millions to other countries aid but wont even help are own cities recover? this isnt even about race because poor isn't colorblind this is class warfare the have and the have nots and unfortunately this is what we have to deal with sadly the people have to ride out whatever mess these fat cats put us through and at the end of the day the people that are "awake" all know who the real know who the real takers and freeloaders are....