Growing up we used to have a pants low thinking it was cool, I'm 33 years old right now so yes its been a long time and not realizing where this really came from, And i didn't find out this tell later on past my teens that this mess came from the prison systems. Basically what I'm trying to say is your SAGGIN your pants in jail your GAY(meaning you like to have sex with the same sex), But i want to get this out to the straight young men that are still doing it besides even if it wasn't starting in the jail its just tacky and distasteful, but i do understand trying to fit in with the people around you. I did it myself but if i knew when i was younger where this originated I would have left it alone a long time ago, But its even worse when grown ass men are doing it.
we need to make sure are kids and grown men understand because this doesn't make just one person look bad but it makes a whole community look ugly because 9 times out of 10 there is somebody with there underwear showing. Cities are starting to fight back now and made it against the law to sag your pants. In my home state new jersey one of the cities called Wildwood if you have your pants lower then 3 inches below the hips you can get fines of $25 to $200!
We need to educate are children to stop mimicking this rap artist or what they see on t.v because all there doing is promoting this sagging buffoonery. we just need to set some standards in are community young ladies have to set the bar higher on how a young man should be presentable you dictate how the men act and dress if we can show more dislike for this and let it be know we don't appreciate this style of dress in are community there can be some change, its sad as hell that there has to be a law to tell a grown ass man to pull up his pants right! but like i said ignorance has no age limit...